Scott MacDonald


Scott MacDonald joined our firm in early 2018.  After graduating from secondary school, Scott began his career working as a Registrar at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court.  Over a sixteen-year period he worked at various metropolitan, suburban and regional courts.

During Scott’s career within the Court he gained experience in many areas of law including Criminal Law, Intervention Orders, Children’s Court, and litigation matters.

Throughout this time, Scott studied to become a lawyer while continuing to work full time.  Scott graduated from Deakin University with a Law Degree in 2016, undertook the Professional Practice Course with Australian National University in 2017, and was then admitted to practice as a solicitor in June 2017.

Scott is experienced in Part IV Estate matters, family law disputes, litigation, criminal law, traffic matters, intervention orders, victims of crime matters, and preparation of Wills.

The firm welcomed Scott as a Partner on 1 July 2020.

Headshot of Partner Scott MacDonald

Practise Areas

Retail & Agriculture Leases

Family Law


Parenting Arrangements

Property Settlement

Binding Child Support Arrangements

Wills & Estates

Criminal Law


Intervention Orders

Estate Disputes


Family Law


Parenting Arrangements

Property Settlement

Binding Child Support Arrangements

Wills & Estates

Criminal Law


Intervention Orders

Estate Disputes

Criminal Law

Family Law


Parenting Arrangements

Property Settlement

Binding Child Support Arrangements

Wills & Estates

Criminal Law


Intervention Orders

Estate Disputes

Intervention Orders

Family Law


Parenting Arrangements

Property Settlement

Binding Child Support Arrangements

Wills & Estates

Criminal Law


Intervention Orders

Estate Disputes


Scott MacDonald

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Scott MacDonald

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